Wednesday 4 January 2012

Media Anamatic

The group decided that we would play the four characters in the anamatic ourselves because we felt that it would be alot easier to organise taking the photos and later on filming if we did it ourselves. Although we still needed one more character so we asked a close friend who is very good at Drama who fitted the role well. The group also had to consider the fact that we would have to film/take photos ourselves whilst being the in them, but luckily all four characters played by ourselves are never in the same shot.

Roles : 
Jordan Dilley - Conor
Dafydd Halls - Tom
Kelly Griffiths - Sophie
Emma Parton-Wroe - Holly
Katie Samuel - Mary

The props we would need for the photos for the anamatic are :
A Tent
A Sleeping Bag
White Dress
Old Fashioned Ring

Although we did take into consideration because it was the anamatic and not the final product the props didn't have to be perfect just yet.

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