Thursday 5 January 2012

5 Key Images

 This image shows the four main characters that the target audience can connect as they are of similar age and there are 2 males and 2 females.
 This image shows the genre of the trailer which is a physiological thriller
 This image is a key image as it shows someone has been hung, but the audience does not know, who? how? or why? which is one of the code of enigmas of the trailer.
 This is the main image of the trailer as it shows Mary up close in full. The viewer are led to believe that she is hanging the four in the forest.
This image is the hand of Mrs. Kynch in the present. The prop of the ring links the past and present Mrs. Kynch and is a vital part of the storyline.

My role during the process i feel has been good. I unfortunately missed the main shoot for the photos, but i feel i made up for it spending alot of time on the editing, doing alot of the diegetic recording. I helped contribute with the idea making well and helped when thinking of new ideas and improvements for the animatic.

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