Thursday 5 January 2012

5 Key Images

 This image shows the four main characters that the target audience can connect as they are of similar age and there are 2 males and 2 females.
 This image shows the genre of the trailer which is a physiological thriller
 This image is a key image as it shows someone has been hung, but the audience does not know, who? how? or why? which is one of the code of enigmas of the trailer.
 This is the main image of the trailer as it shows Mary up close in full. The viewer are led to believe that she is hanging the four in the forest.
This image is the hand of Mrs. Kynch in the present. The prop of the ring links the past and present Mrs. Kynch and is a vital part of the storyline.

My role during the process i feel has been good. I unfortunately missed the main shoot for the photos, but i feel i made up for it spending alot of time on the editing, doing alot of the diegetic recording. I helped contribute with the idea making well and helped when thinking of new ideas and improvements for the animatic.

Animatic Analysis

An anamtic is a sequence of still photos representing the shots for our trailer accompanied by diegetic and non-diegetic sound. Its function is to give an outline/order of the trailer and helps by allowing us to see if we need to change anything.

The process of an animatic is to write the narrative of the story. Then create a storyboard of what you would want the animatic to be like, take photos and record the sound you would want in the animatic, then put the pictures and sound together.

At the start of the year, we first thought of our own plot synopsis and were then put into groups. We then as a group discussed which of the plot synopsis was the best. Our final plot was chosen which includes parts of each of our earlier plot synopsis. We then created a storyboard where we drew the picture that we would later take ourselves, and wrote details about what we would like with it like sound, and what the mise-en-scene was going to be. 

When taking the photos for our animatic we used the storyboard to organise our schedule by colour coding them so when we were going to the forest, we would take all the pictures that were in the forest, so we didn't have to keep going back and forth taking each shot. 
We only had 2 shoots as a group as most of the photos are in the forest, the rest are at school. But there is one or two shots were one of the members had to take themselves because it was at their home and was easy for them to take it themselves.
When choosing the characters, the group decided that we would all be in it so that it would be easy to organise and that we would know exactly what we would have to do. After we decided the four characters we needed one more, so we decided to use a close friend who took Drama so we knew that she would be good at the role given.
When taking photos we only had trouble with the was the shots were someone had to be hanging, as we had to take health and safety into account it was quite difficult.

During the editing process we added images in the order of which we wanted the trailer to go, in a similar order to our storyboard, although we added extra pictures were we felt necessary. We then added title screens and then recorded the sound to go over the top.

When decided the length of shots we watched the animatic over and went with how long seemed appropriate for the image. 

The choice of titles we used were the basic outline of the plot which is convential. We used a font we decided that looked good and went with the genre of our animatic.

For the soundtrack we decided not to use a conventional soundtrack and to do the sounds ourselves. Most of the sound in the animatic was diegetic dialogue but we also used chimes, to go in the background to create an  eary tension. Although it creates a slow pace, we couldn't find a good sound to put over the fast pace editing so that is something we'll have to find for the finished trailer.

I am happy with the animatic but would change some of the music for the faster paced editing parts, and also try and add some soundtrack over the top of the chimes, to add layers to our trailer. 

Group Anamatic

Wednesday 4 January 2012

Media Anamatic

The group decided that we would play the four characters in the anamatic ourselves because we felt that it would be alot easier to organise taking the photos and later on filming if we did it ourselves. Although we still needed one more character so we asked a close friend who is very good at Drama who fitted the role well. The group also had to consider the fact that we would have to film/take photos ourselves whilst being the in them, but luckily all four characters played by ourselves are never in the same shot.

Roles : 
Jordan Dilley - Conor
Dafydd Halls - Tom
Kelly Griffiths - Sophie
Emma Parton-Wroe - Holly
Katie Samuel - Mary

The props we would need for the photos for the anamatic are :
A Tent
A Sleeping Bag
White Dress
Old Fashioned Ring

Although we did take into consideration because it was the anamatic and not the final product the props didn't have to be perfect just yet.

Group Planning

As a group we decided to meet up 2 times a week in a free periods to complete our Final Film Plot and our Story Board. All four members contributed well and gave good ideas into the plot of our film and helped creating our story board. 

Final Group Plot

A group of four friends find a girls diary in the library who appears to have been bullied, they read it and recognise a name written which is Holly’s neighbour, Mrs Kynch so go to see her as the diary ends in 1927 when she was 16. They ask the woman about a girl named Mary (owner of the diary) she goes silent and tells them to leave. They then see a news report about teenage hangings in the woods mentioned in the diary nearby them so Connor (the arrogant one) says that they should all go and camp in the woods as a dare with head cams to see whether there is anything strange going on there.

They walk quite a while to get to the woods (with their head cams on) Sophie (the scared one) stays nervously behind everyone scared and claims she saw a flash of white between the trees but the others just say it was her imagination. They then set up camp and as it’s getting dark Sophie and Tom go to get some fire wood. As they’re collecting sticks and talking Sophie suddenly goes silent, Tom looks around shouting her name, but she’s no where to be seen. Tom runs back to camp and tells the other two that Sophie has gone missing but Connor doesn’t believe him and thinks they’re just playing a prank. The three go looking away from camp until Connor turns around and walks into Sophie who has been hung he falls back freaked out crawling back as fast as possible. The three stare at her dead body scared to ‘death’. Holly goes to ring her parents but realise they have no signal this far from home and decide it would be more dangerous to try and find their way back so they go back to the tents and try to sleep.

The next morning they wake up and Connor is gone, they open the tent zip and outside they see his body hanging from a rope in the tree. They realise that they left their head cameras on so replay the footage and see a girl come into the tent and take Connor. Holly gets the diary out and figures out that the girl on the video is Mary the diary’s owner. She flicks through the pages and sees new writing after it had ended when they last looked which states Sophie and Connors death at the precise time they died and after that they see Toms name and his death from the future but in 17 minutes and soon after Holly’s predicted death. Both freak out as they realise the diary is predicting the future so they try and find their way out but keep coming back to the same place. They start hearing chimes in the wind and a quiet voice singing. As they are running Holly trips and the book falls out her hand just as Tom is suddenly about to be hung he shouts ‘you need to write her death in the diary’. Holly manages to grab the dairy but not in enough time to save Tom. She then quickly writes “Mary’s death” looks up and Mary has gone and there is a silence in the woods as she sits there crying until Mrs Kynch finds her and takes her home explaining that Mary didn’t directly kill her friends she just was trying to make friends but was mistaken for seeking revenge.