Tuesday 13 September 2011

Horror Story Idea

Set in a town just after the summer holidays. After the summer holiday everyone has gone back to school and there is a rumour going around the whole school that people from their school went camping during the summer in the woods just outside of the town. The whole story is a mystery as some people believe it and others just say the group just have dropped out of school.

During lunchtime two groups of sixth formers start arguing. One of the groups bet the other group that they are too scared to camp in the woods just outside of town. Both groups bet they can last longer so they go together and fifteen (sixteen to eighteen year old) kids camp within the woods.

The two groups (eleven guys, four girls) try and play pranks on each other trying to scare one another and try to get them to leave the wood and lose the bet. As three of the guys get more and more scared they start to go slightly crazy. They start to lose their minds and begin to get obsessed with killing and start to think they need to kill the rest of the group (three killers).

The killers start to kill of each person one by one, the groups get more scared as people begin to go missing (three people are now killers, and four people have been killed) They forget which way they came into the woods so they split into two groups (four people in each group) to escape the woods to make sure they survive.

They are chased through the night by their crazed friends who are trying to kill them. When they think they are getting closer to the end of the woods they realise more have gone missing (three people have been killed). They bump into the other group that went in the opposite direction who have also lost people (only five people are left, two girls and three guys). They realise they have been going in circles and set on for survival again, together.

They remaining survivors hide out in an abandoned lodge they found in the woods. They become surrounded by the three crazed friends. As they barricade the lodge they find a map of the woods and realise they are close to the end of the woods and close to survival.

Their crazed friends find ways into the lodge and the survivors have to kill them to survive. They kill one of the crazed friends and make their last run for survival (two killers are left and another two kids have been killed). 

The three survivers get closer to the end and three of the fifteen kids escape the woods. But the two killers are still out there, somewhere in the woods.